Bill Payment methods

Sick and tired of paying Bills the old way? Read this

Before the introduction of advanced technology in bill payments, people had to go through stress to pay their bills. Most people will even spend more to pay their bills as they have to reach a distant place from their homes to pay their bills. All these stopped when we started having more online platforms to pay bills and sort out our basic needs like electricity, cable network, and airtime. But sometimes, the downsides to some of these online bill payment platforms make using the online channel to pay bills scary to some people.

Have you ever experienced a situation when you lost money to a payment platform because they could not offer a reliable network for your transaction? This issue is a prevalent issue people face when trying to pay bills online. Now imagine, as a business owner, you have several bills to pay. Can you afford to lose that much money on payment platforms that cannot offer a reliable transaction network?

When you take time to read through reviews on payment platforms in Nigeria, you will probably have to read many sad stories. Ranging from the days a user has to pay his electricity bills with his last card and somehow the money gets hooked. All actions to get a refund gave no result, and at the same time, he couldn’t get the required token to recharge his prepaid meter. The stories of when one needs to make an important call but discovers they do not have enough credit on their mobile until they make a recharge on their line. But due to a terrible bill payment platform, they couldn’t make the recharge and lost the deal they were trying to seal.

These sad stories are unending. People are looking for better ways to go about their bill payments. This article will guide you to pay your bills with no issues.

Things to watch out for when choosing a platform for bill payment

To avoid the downsides of online bill payments, you should be careful in choosing the platform to use. You should also consider the nature of your business and how you run it. That might depend on how many employees you have and how many bills your business has to settle. Here are some conditions to consider when choosing a bill payment platform.

  • Payment types: When choosing a payment platform, you should consider the types of bills you are paying. Is it your electricity bill? Your cable network? Is your payment platform processing electricity bill payments for IBEDC, IKEDC, or AEDC? When choosing a payment platform, all these must be considered to avoid being stuck with the wrong payment platform. 
  • Payment channels: The payment channel your bill payment platform has integrated for your payments should be considered too. Are they allowing Mastercard? Won’t you have issues if you use Visa on the platform? Those are questions you will need to give adequate answers to before you choose a bill payment platform.
  • Messaging and reminders: Adequate notifications are required when making payments. You do not want to make a dual transaction just because your bill payment platform failed to notify you of a successful transaction. This factor should not be ignored when choosing a platform for your bill payments. You must go for a platform that notifies you of your transactions adequately.
  • Risk and Compliance: You have to do adequate research on the payment platform you want to subscribe to their service. Does the law recognize them? Do they have all the required documents to be in business? What are their past users saying about them? These are questions you have to find answers to before choosing an online payment platform for your bill payment.
  • Security: Are your details safe with the platform? Using your card to deposit on their platform should not be a scary thing to do. What kind of encryption is the platform using to secure user data? As long as you are satisfied with the answers to these questions and you have all boxes ticked, you can go on to decide what platform you will be subscribing to.
  • Support: You ran into trouble making a payment on the platform. How fast is the support team? Will they be able to solve the issue? Is the support team friendly, or are the members of the team known to be rude? Are they calm enough to solve your issues correctly? These are the question you should find answers to before you go ahead in choosing a bill payment service provider.
  • Configurability: Is the setup process easy, or do you need to call a tech expert to set it up? How is the interface? Is it user-friendly? Can anyone use it, or should one be trained to use the platform for bill payments? A platform that answers these questions best should be considered for your bill payments.

What is a better way to pay bills?

With the guidelines highlighted above, choosing the best payment platform for your bill payments should be easy. Payments platforms such as Earnipay have proven to consider their users first as their priority in all decisions they make. Using their Bulk Bill Payment product offers you many benefits as a user.

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