Micromanaging boss

How to handle a micromanaging boss without losing your mind

According to the 21 principles from the Y-combinators startup playbook, every startup founder or business owner must look for raw intelligence and a track record of getting things done. But, when an employer excessively checks on the work progress of His/Her employees- what does it mean? 

It means the employer is a micromanager. In this article, I will be addressing who a micromanager is, the signs to spot a micromanager, and how to handle a micromanager without losing your mind.

Who is a micromanager?

A micromanager is a supervisor or boss who excessively checks and controls the work performance of his subordinate. He often gives directives about how he wants his tasks done and observes every progress made. This management style does not just break the trust that exists between employees and employers. It could limit the flow of innovative ideas that could help accelerate business growth. This management style seems okay for beginners who need help navigating their career paths. But could wear them down in the long run, and they may never know how it feels to expand their tentacles and grow beyond their professional growth.

What are the signs of a micromanaging boss?

  1. Does not delegate

Due to their controlling nature, you will often find a micromanager being involved in every function within the workplace, which is not supposed to be done. He would not want his employees to take on a task and still would not let them perform the job alone. It often leads to delays and lots of uncompleted tasks.

  1. Have trust issues

Trust is the bond that keeps every successful relationship together. But when this trust is broken, it becomes hard to repair. Likewise, It has become difficult for a micromanaging boss to trust their employees to get a job done correctly. It makes employees feel unsafe around their bosses and would impart the quality of their deliverables.

  1. Makes all the decisions

One of the perks of working in a conducive workplace is that you can brainstorm with other team members to come up with innovative solutions. It becomes the opposite when you have a micromanager as a boss. That would not allow team members to make independent decisions that could aid the company’s progress.

  1. Asking for frequent updates

Being swamped with deadlines at work is not strange. Having to deal with a boss who frequently wants to know the update on every project is frustrating and could make one lose his cool.

  1. Non-stop meetings

Not every instruction needs a meeting. Nevertheless, a micromanager will always find a way to get employees together for issues that could be addressed via mail. Additionally, they make sure these meetings are mandatory, and they do most of the talking. Frequent meetings could lead to less productivity of employees backed up with many pending tasks uncompleted. 

What are the effects of micromanagement?

High Employee turnover: Micromanagement could make talented employees leave an organization. No employee would want to work in a hostile workplace where H/Her job performance will be excessively observed or controlled.

It lowers morale: Employees will struggle with carrying out their daily assigned tasks with the thought that nothing they do will make sense to their boss.

Reduced creativity: Brainstorming sessions devoid of innovative ideas to solve global solutions will be the recurrent practice in an organization with a micromanager.

Decreased productivity: The moment staff begins to second guess their capabilities, there follows a limitation in their productivity and the quality of their deliverables.

How to handle a micromanaging boss without losing your mind

  • Figure out if you are being micromanaged or not

If your boss keeps giving you feedback on how to send a report or respond to an email, that means you are being micromanaged. Although some bosses may be checking your work to ensure you do it right. Nonetheless, you need to figure this out by evaluating their management style.

  • Ask questions

Ask questions to be clear about what they expect of you when delivering your deliverables. Unclear expectations could get you into the spotlight of being micromanaged. You do not want that.

  • Try to communicate 

Get your manager involved in your job progress so they do not feel left out. Since you know these individuals have trust issues, you do not want them to think you are not committed to your job. Secondly, you could also talk to your boss if you feel you are being micromanaged.

  • Be proactive 

Get your work done on time. Be sure you are not the reason why your boss is micromanaging you. Sometimes, we complain about being micromanaged when we could be the problem.  

  • Set boundaries

If, after trying all of the above-listed tips and nothing seems to change, then you have to set boundaries and let your boss know what you can tolerate and what you would not tolerate. To avoid losing your mind. 

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