Feeling burned out

 10 things to do when you are feeling burned out at work

The survey carried out in the wake of covid – 19 showed that about 41% of employees have one time had feelings of burnout in their various workplaces which affected the quality of their work delivery. For this reason, I won’t be in doubt when people associate stress with burnout which does not mean the same thing. According to the world health organization, stress is a state of applying mental pressure on difficult challenges. 

Every human on earth experiences stress from day to day and it could be physically or psychologically draining. Nevertheless, the degree of stress we can handle as humans is solely dependent on our overall well-being and ability to go through difficult situations. But burnout is unlike it, and I will be breaking it down for you in the most simplified method. By the end of this article, you will be able to understand what job burnout is, signs that you are feeling burned out, and 10 things to do when you are feeling burned out at work.

What is Job burnout?

It is a state of being physically and mentally exhausted due to excessive stress, the sense of having fewer accomplishments, or the loss of one’s individuality. A lot of things happen when you start feeling burned out at work which sometimes, you don’t even notice. You start feeling withdrawn from your co-workers and loved ones, you lose the excitement to go to work and possibly you become cynical at your workplace.

The World Health Organization,(WHO) classified burnout as a medical diagnosis, including that it is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been properly managed. Burnout could make someone shut down completely and negatively impact the quality of their work in the workplace and the relationship they have with coworkers. What a sad way to describe the impact of burnout!

Signs that you are feeling burned out at work

Burnout is of two categories which are physical burnout and mental burnout. Signs that are you feeling burned out could be expressed under any of the above categories which I will break down for you. 

  1. Physical burnout: Just like burnout affects you mentally likewise, it does the same thing to you physically. The physical signs of burnout include:
  • Inability to sleep or change in sleep patterns
  • Digestive disorder
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Frequent intake of drugs and alcohol to keep your body and mind together.
  1. Mental burnout: Mental burnout damages the mind. You will realize that you can’t give concentration on activities that you normally would. Some signs of mental burnout include:
  • Withdrawal from loved ones
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Depression, Etc

Possible causes of work burnout

  1. Unclear expectations: You tend to experience burnout when you lack clarity on what your superior or supervisor at the workplace expects from you as regards tasks that have been assigned to you. 
  1.  Lack of support: When cannot get the help you need from loved ones and coworkers to ace your personal or professional growth that alone could make you feel burned out.
  1. Work-life balance: Many employees in this digital age struggle to be able to manage work and still have time to do life most excitingly. Sadly, many are still trying to solve this puzzle which has made them feel burned at work.

Consequences of job burnout

 Unmanaged job burnout has a few negative consequences which include:

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Anger or easily being irritated
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression, Etc


10 things to do when you are feeling burned out

  1. Take short breaks at intervals: It could mean taking a walk, listening to music, or talking with a colleague. You do not want to be so buried in work that you will be able to unwind or rejuvenate your energy level.
  1. Prioritize sleep: Sleep helps you think clearly and improves your mood plus it helps to boast your immune system against diseases like heart attack and heart blood pressure.
  1. Practice mindfulness: It is the state of being conscious of the present and being open to criticism without judgment.
  1. Spend more time with your support system: These are people who have your best interest at heart and are intentional about your growth. The more you are seen these people you will have no reason to entertain suicidal thoughts.
  1. Ask questions: When you have no clue on how to go about a task, ensure that you ask the appropriate authority, superior, or supervisor what to do to avoid feeling burned out.
  1. Be vocal: When you feel you are beginning to have the symptoms of burnout. Talk about it and express how you feel about the situation.
  2. Set work boundaries: Do not give in to work policies or tasks that will cause you to express unnecessary burnout.
  1. Learn to have fun: Despite how clustered your schedules might be. Create time for recreational activities outside of the work environment.
  1. Take care of your physical health: This could mean buying fruits, reading educative movies, visiting the spa, and lots more.
  1. Get a mentor or support: Find someone who can support you and give you the professional guidance you will need on days you are feeling burned out. 

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