Remedial Health – Improving Access to Medicine in Nigeria

Remedial Health is a Nigerian-based pharmaceutical technology company that has made significant strides in providing easy and fast access to medications for pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and chemists. Founded in 2022 with a staff strength of 20+, the company has grown tremendously to over 160+ staff members. We had a chat with Oredola Smith, the Head of People at Remedial Health, who shared some insights into the company’s operations, impact, future plans, and unique features.

Oredola expressed her excitement about working at Remedial Health, which she attributed to the company’s fast-paced environment and the never-ending demand for its products. Remedial Health prides itself on being a one-stop shop for all types of medication, ensuring that its clients never run out of stock. They also combat the purchase of counterfeit drugs by sourcing their drugs from trusted and reliable sources. Additionally, the company offers competitive and affordable pricing for its products.

Technology plays a significant role in how Remedial Health operates and provides its services. The company has developed a mobile app that allows customers to easily place orders and an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that handles inventory and logistical requirements.

Remedial Health’s huge coverage sets it apart from its competitors. The company has achieved coverage in 24 out of Nigeria’s 36 states, and it has a team that monitors the circumstances and quality of the medications. Remedial Health ensures that the pharmaceuticals it ships are of the highest quality by ensuring they are in great demand and have a long shelf life.

During the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria, Remedial Health noticed a spike in the number of cases and stocked up on the necessary medications to combat it. The company was able to meet the demands of the hospitals that needed these medications, which was an excellent example of how Remedial Health was able to make a significant impact.

Remedial Health’s goal is to improve the client experience by offering a quick, simple, and easy solution. The business is planning to grow and is also working on ways to improve the client experience, and there are exciting opportunities available for job seekers on LinkedIn.

Remedial Health is one of the companies using our suite of products to improve their processes, and we’re thrilled to spotlight them as an example of how technology is transforming the pharmaceutical industry.

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1 Comment

  • To be sincere, Remedial health solutions have really reduce the increase of fake and substandard drugs in our society.
    There by bringing sanity to pharmaceutical industry.
    Indeed a must one stop shop for all your pharmaceutical need

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